The Bromley to Milton underground cable forms a key part of our electricity network in central Christchurch.
We have installed a 66kV underground power cable from the Bromley Substation to the Milton Substation. The cable has strengthened our electricity network to support our community and power a cleaner, brighter future.
The full length of underground power cable has now been installed and joined for this project. In June 2024 we completed the installation of the final section of cable on Ensors Road from Sullivan Avenue to Brougham Street. This completed the full length of the 7.5km cable route.
Thank you to our community and partners for your support throughout this project.
Some of our underground cables in Christchurch City are 40-60 years old. These older cables are still working, and will continue to do so under normal conditions. However, they are vulnerable to earthquakes and should we have another large earthquake, there is the potential for faults on these cables. Given the age of the cables they are difficult to repair, and after a significant shake these cables could take some time to fix.
Replacing these cables to strengthen our network is a major programme of work for Orion. One of the first projects is installing a new underground cable from Bromley Substation to Milton Substation. This new power cable is the first of 12 new cables that will create new ring circuits in Christchurch City. These ring circuits have two purposes:
They allow us to shift power around the network. This means that if there is a fault on the network we can re-route the power to keep customers on.
Once the new cables and circuits are in place we can progressively retire the old cables as the power will be supplied via the new circuits.
The new cable uses the latest cable technology and is sized to accommodate future growth.
The story of Ōpāwaho
The power cable connects into a new switching station at the Milton Substation on Milton Street in Sydenham. A switching station allows us to switch between power circuits meaning that we have alternatives in an outage and can restore power quicker. It is housed in a purpose-built, secure building next to Faraday Street.
On the outside of the new switching station building, artist Hori-Te-Ariki Mataki from Ariki Creative designed a special piece of art telling the story of the natural environment of Ōpāwaho/Heathcote River which was an important mahinga kai area, or source of plentiful food, particularly tuna (eels), pātiki (founder), and inaka (whitebait). Ōpāwaho was also an important travel route connecting peninsular settlements with Ōtakaro and north to Kaiapoi. Click here for more information on the design.
The artwork on the new building draws inspiration from the tukutuku – a geometric pattern that acknowledges the importance of mahinga kai and the links to the Port Hills and the rivers. We're also planting native trees and shrubs around the switching station, to enhance biodiversity, and provide food for birds and insects.
It’s really exciting to be working with mana whenua to share their stories through our infrastructure. You can view the art from Faraday Street and Milton Street.
The benefits
These works are essential to powering a cleaner and brighter future with our community. Installing underground power cables and switching stations will strengthen the resilience and security of the power network and provide for the future growth of our city.
The network will be stronger in a major earthquake and we'll be able to restore power quicker.
The new cable will be another circuit supplying Christchurch. If there is a fault on the network we will be able to keep more customers on and restore power quicker.
The new cable is sized to cater for our growing demand for power.
The Bromley to Milton underground cable forms a key part of our electricity network in central Christchurch.
We have installed a 66kV underground power cable from the Bromley Substation to the Milton Substation. The cable has strengthened our electricity network to support our community and power a cleaner, brighter future.
The full length of underground power cable has now been installed and joined for this project. In June 2024 we completed the installation of the final section of cable on Ensors Road from Sullivan Avenue to Brougham Street. This completed the full length of the 7.5km cable route.
Thank you to our community and partners for your support throughout this project.
Some of our underground cables in Christchurch City are 40-60 years old. These older cables are still working, and will continue to do so under normal conditions. However, they are vulnerable to earthquakes and should we have another large earthquake, there is the potential for faults on these cables. Given the age of the cables they are difficult to repair, and after a significant shake these cables could take some time to fix.
Replacing these cables to strengthen our network is a major programme of work for Orion. One of the first projects is installing a new underground cable from Bromley Substation to Milton Substation. This new power cable is the first of 12 new cables that will create new ring circuits in Christchurch City. These ring circuits have two purposes:
They allow us to shift power around the network. This means that if there is a fault on the network we can re-route the power to keep customers on.
Once the new cables and circuits are in place we can progressively retire the old cables as the power will be supplied via the new circuits.
The new cable uses the latest cable technology and is sized to accommodate future growth.
The story of Ōpāwaho
The power cable connects into a new switching station at the Milton Substation on Milton Street in Sydenham. A switching station allows us to switch between power circuits meaning that we have alternatives in an outage and can restore power quicker. It is housed in a purpose-built, secure building next to Faraday Street.
On the outside of the new switching station building, artist Hori-Te-Ariki Mataki from Ariki Creative designed a special piece of art telling the story of the natural environment of Ōpāwaho/Heathcote River which was an important mahinga kai area, or source of plentiful food, particularly tuna (eels), pātiki (founder), and inaka (whitebait). Ōpāwaho was also an important travel route connecting peninsular settlements with Ōtakaro and north to Kaiapoi. Click here for more information on the design.
The artwork on the new building draws inspiration from the tukutuku – a geometric pattern that acknowledges the importance of mahinga kai and the links to the Port Hills and the rivers. We're also planting native trees and shrubs around the switching station, to enhance biodiversity, and provide food for birds and insects.
It’s really exciting to be working with mana whenua to share their stories through our infrastructure. You can view the art from Faraday Street and Milton Street.
The benefits
These works are essential to powering a cleaner and brighter future with our community. Installing underground power cables and switching stations will strengthen the resilience and security of the power network and provide for the future growth of our city.
The network will be stronger in a major earthquake and we'll be able to restore power quicker.
The new cable will be another circuit supplying Christchurch. If there is a fault on the network we will be able to keep more customers on and restore power quicker.
The new cable is sized to cater for our growing demand for power.